Our Services
“Successes and failures come and go—they neither define us nor do they determine our worthiness.”
― Kristin Neff, Leading researcher in the field of self compassion
Initial consultation appointment $350*
All good therapy starts with a clear understanding of the difficulties you are seeking to address. You will initially be seen for a consultation appointment that aims to ensure a collaborative understanding of the issue. This requires a 90 minute appointment. At the end of this appointment, a plan for treatment will be outlined with you (if treatment with Lucy is considered appropriate).
Therapy sessions $210*
Standard therapy sessions involve a 50 minute appointment and can be scheduled once an initial consultation appointment has occurred. We will discuss an appropriate frequency and number of sessions at your initial consultation.
Psychological Assessments
Adult ADHD assessments $1850*
These assessments are provided as a package that includes at least two 90 minute assessment interviews, relevant ADHD psychometric testing and the collection and interpretation of collateral information. The package also includes the provision of a psychological report which includes diagnosis where appropriate and relevant.
Other specialist assessments POA
Fees for other comprehensive psychological assessments are calculated on a case by case basis. Please contact us to discuss your case.
*Discount of 10% applies for clients who are eligible for WINZ funding.